Ningbo Dicheng Machinery Co.,ltd
Address:Room 1202.NO.1107,Tiantong North Road Zhonghe Street Yinzhou District Ningbo
City Zhejiang Province China
The contact: Lucy(General Manager)
Phone: 13968328508
Tel: 0574-87267001
Fax: 0574-87267002
Geometric shape five axis machining center is especially suitable for processing complex mould, it has advantages as follows:
1, five axis machining center in the deeper, more steep cavity machining, can through the workpiece or the additional rotary spindle head and swing to create the best process conditions for the machining of the vertical milling cutter, and avoid cutting tools and tool holder and the cavity wall collision, reduce the cutter when processing the jitter and the risk of tool breakage, thus to improve the quality of the surface of the mold, the processing efficiency and cutting tool durability.
2, five-axis machining center by adopting shorter tool, can be done once the parts processing, does not need to pack card again or use the same 3 axis longer needed for the processing of cutting tool, and can in a relatively short period of time growing parts of the surface quality is more ideal.
3, five axis machining center of technology lifted the workpiece with complex Angle required to locate again repeated debug card. This not only saves time, but also greatly reduces the error, and save the installation jig needed for the workpiece in place such as expensive as needed.
4, the machine can process complex parts, it is impossible of other ways, including complex surface is usually required for drilling, cavity fossae and taper processing. Double spindle machining center